Fri - October 25, 2024
3:30 am
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I will examine the entire portfolio for good stock that would perform like TESLA. TSLA made 24% recently.
As their holdings have about 59 stocks, I will separate it into blocks to be able to cover the entire portfolio in several days. Many stocks are new to me, but that is not the problem. I will use standard approach to predict future time series for stocks for the next 30 days or a bit more.
Here is the first part of the portfolio.
My analisys will follow. Some trades will be made by clients and the results will be shown separately. And if the stock is not a good buy in November 2024, I will tell you about it, and provide my opinion openly with expected patterns or micro trends. Usually I do suggest my clients to make portfolio recheck for positions that are no good for portfolio health and can hurt the profitability of overall investment. You can order this as paid service at any time for any instrument. Likewise, I made an offer to Ark Fund, as my analisys had showed that their fund units' (ARKK) price is declining. The resulted fall was about 30%. So, do your own thinking of usufulness of this service, as even one bad stock can ruine you entire portfolio.
I finished AAPL, NVDA and TSLA stocks, none of them are a good buy or a good holding, especially this is true for AAPL and NVDA - reduce! Future earings of Nvidia seems to come without any surprise. The stock is trending down. And the Apple is like a rolling rock. Tesla holds a secret, and I need some more time to investigate. TSLA may go a little bit higher in a while, but is no big deal in the first 14 days of November. If I were you, I would stay away or wait for a small correction. My analysis is based on D1 timing, which is of course too small for big funds, but is good for us to make a good probe of profitability of our investments and place trades in the right time and at the best possible price.
All the three stocks are from the most active part of Simons portfolio. Probably the placed an emphasis on them as perspective or primary investment objectives. Tesla did that, but whether or not it continues to perform well in the next months is a different story.