The Stock Returns 230%
By 黑馬
Stocks  |  Thu - December 12, 2024 5:34 am  |  Article Hits:122  |  A+ | a-
Probably, many of you have heard of investing in penny stocks can make you a fortune one day or another. So do I. Not long ago I bought this stock. The average price I bought it was 0.63, and the difference was that I had a strategy to invest in a stock with certain known potencial. I thoght that fare price would be as 200% as high, and I was right.

However, if you have noticed that it was almost impossible to take that spike in price unless you have had a GTC order around that price entered beforehand. So, you may come with a conclusion that investing in penny stocks is a game for One. You can't invest a lot into penny stocks. Also, the risks are high, volitility is always high, returns are not easily predictable. But, you can still win, and win a lot.

These opportunities are not rare.

A post about this stock in history:

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